Monday, September 7, 2009

Published Author

I just want to say Happy Labor Day to everyone. I also would like everyone to read my two books College Predator Missing College Students, and Serial Shooters The Rising. If you like thrillers or mysteries you will enjoy these two books.
I plan on writing my 4th book soon I am still trying to come up with a storyline and I don't know if it will be fiction or non fiction. I would also like to write a screenplay for one of my books but that type of writing is completely different than writing a book.
Keep writing and shooting for the stars.
T.A. Hemming

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Serial Shooters The Rising

I am the author of Serial Shooters The Rising. It is a fiction thriller about the Serial Shooters in Arizona. I believe another author wrote Sudden Shot a true crime book about these shooters. I challenge anyone that read her book to read mine and see how close I was to the truth.
She is getting alot more publicity then me but I stand by my book.
Give Serial Shooters The Rising a read and let me know what you think. I believe you will enjoy the plot and storyline.
Let me know what you think.
Keep writing and shooting for the stars.
T.A. Hemming